
The pain-free magic weapon in the fight against aging

Mesoporation treatment is the result of basic research into so-called electroporation. In 2003 a team of American researchers was awarded the Nobel prize for chemistry for discovering that with a certain electric frequency, moisture channels open up in the skin through which active ingredients can be transported without injection.

Fast, electric impulses create an area of low voltage, which even makes it possible to transfer large-molecular active ingredients into the skin. This method is called mesoporation and is a gentle and painless alternative to mesotherapy in which needles are used.

With this method it is possible to achieve sensational, long-term results – without the risk of infection. No unwanted side-effects such as bruises or wheals develop, no period of convalescence is necessary.

The aim is...
to achieve visible, long-term results in the treatment of anti-aging, problem skin and cellulite.

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